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Mr Njabulo M. Mkhize

Position :  Lecturer
Telephone : 035 902 6901
Email :
Office :305c, Natural Science Building, KwaDlangezwa Campus


Mr Njabulo M. Mkhize is a Lecturer in the  Department of Mathematics in the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering at the University of Zululand. He has been lecturing at UNIZULU from 2018 to 2020, previously was a tutor at the University of KwaNatal. Mkhize is lecturer of applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics undergraduate and postgraduates’ modules

Conducting lessons & tutorials. Setting & marking scripts for class tests, tutorial tests/quizes, assignments and examinations. Students’ consultations.

 Lecture ‘s  the following modules:

  • 4MTH111-Calculus 1, 4MTH221- Advanced Calculus


BSc Applied Mathematics& Statistics(UKZN), BSc Applied Mathematics Honours(UKZN), MSc Applied Mathematics(UKZN).

Research interests: 

MSc research topic- Charge Distribution in Neutron Stars

Description– His research had chosen a particular type of charge distribution with varying parameters such that changing these parameters mimic the situation when the charge particles leaving the system. It had also made a systematic study of each stage of the charge distributions. Our results revealed that when the charge distribution deviates slightly from the scenario where the charge density is proportional to the mass density, then the system was no longer able to retain the large mass and radius, and quickly attains a lower mass and radius.


PhD research topic- Some Investigations into Dark Energy(UNIZULU)