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Dr Njabulo M. Mkhize

Position :  Lecturer
Telephone : 035 902 6640
Email :
Office :sc312, Natural Science Building, KwaDlangezwa Campus


Dr Njabulo M. Mkhize is a Lecturer in the  Department of Mathematics in the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering at the University of Zululand. He has been lecturing at UNIZULU from 2018 to 2020, previously was a tutor at the University of KwaNatal. Mkhize is lecturer of applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics undergraduate and postgraduates’ modules

Conducting lessons & tutorials. Setting & marking scripts for class tests, tutorial tests/quizes, assignments and examinations. Students’ consultations.

 Lecture ‘s  the following modules:

  • 4/SFMH119
    (Foundation Mathematics) –Semester 1, 2020
  • 4/SLMH111 (Calculus I ) –Semester
    1, 2020-2021
  • 4/SLMH112 (Calculus II )–Semester
    2, 2020
  • 4/AMT122 (Further Descrete
    Mathematics)—Semester 2,2020
  • 4/SAMT122 (Further Descrete Mathematics)
    –Semester 2, 2020
  • 4AMT501 (General Relativity) –Semester
    1& 2, 2020-2021
  • 4/SAMT321 (Applied Mathematics
    Methods)—Semester 1, 2021
  • MSc (Applied Mathematics-Cum Laude)
  • BSc Honours (Applied Mathematics)
  • BSc (Applied Mathematics & Statistics)

Research interests: 

The aim to study the impact of the Gauss—Bonnet and higher order Lovelock terms on the gravitational behaviour of stars. It will be possible to turn the higher curvature terms off and compare with the Einstein case. The importance of this experiment is that it can be checked if the higher curvature terms influence the behaviour of the model in any significant way. With the belief that where the Einstein equations give unphysical solutions, the extra terms may be tuned to generate solutions which harmonise with observed phenomena.
It should be borne in mind that the data gathered from radio telescopes such as MeerKAT and SKA must be interpreted and be able to generate a picture for example of the universe. Such models are all designed with General Relativity inputs. It would be interesting to run such models in the higher curvature gravity regime to see whether the picture of the universe is altered in any way.

Professional membership:

  • ARC