Position: Associate Professor
Phone: +27 35 9026235
Email: krishnannairs(At)unizulu.ac.za
Building &Room:SC304 , Natural Science Building, KwaDlangezwa Campus
Prof Syamala Krishnannair an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Zululand at Kwa-Dlangezwa campus. She has been lecturing since 2002 at UNIZULU started as lecturer and 2018 as Senior Lecturer. Prof Krishnannair holds a PhD (Eng), Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2016, MSc (Eng), Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2010, BEd (Mathematics), University of Kerala, India, 1997, MSc(Mathematics), University of Kerala, India, 1996 and BSc(Mathematics), University of Kerala, India, 1994 and PGDHE (UKZN) . Her research interests are mathematical image processing, signal processing, multiscale analysis, climate modelling ,process monitoring and fault diagnosis and statistical quality control.
Lecture’s the following modules:
Calculus, Abstract Algebra, Optimization, Operations Research, Multivariate Analysis
- PhD (Eng), Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2016, MSc (Eng), Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2010, BEd (Mathematics), University of Kerala, India, 1997, MSc(Mathematics), University of Kerala, India, 1996.
- BSc(Mathematics), University of Kerala, India, 1994.
Research interests:
process data analytics, statistical machine learning, latent variable methods, high-dimensional time series latent variable modelling, process monitoring and fault diagnosis and data-driven statistical control and optimization.
Professional membership:
South African Statistical Association (SASA),
South African Association for Automation and Control(SACAC)
International Federation of Automation and Control(IFAC), IEEE
Research Databases
- “Fault Diagnosis of the Tennessee Eastman Benchmark Process with Nonlinear Singular Spectrum Analysis”, Krishnannair and C.Aldrich ,20 th IFAC World Congress 2017
- “Comparative Study of Trend Run and PCR Model For Performing the Trend Calculation on SAWS(South African Weather Service) Atmospheric Data”, Krishnannair and V.Sivakumar, ISRSE 37, 2017
- “Detecting Faults in Process Systems with Singular Spectrum Analysis”, Krishnannair, C.Aldrich and G.T.Jemwa, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2016
- “Comparative study of PCA and wavelets-PCA models for simulating monthly rainfall and temperature for Cape Point station”, Syamala Krishnannair, Venkataraman Sivakumar and Raven Jimmy, SASAS, 2016.
- Optimization (SAMT506), Introduction to Operations Research (SAMT212), Calculus 1(SMTH111), Mathematics and Statistics for Commerce (SSTT121).