The Department of Computer Science within the University of Zululand (UNIZULU) recently held the Inaugural Ceremony of the UNIZULU Computer Science Advisory Committee at KwaDlangezwaCampus.
The purpose of advisory committees at UNIZULU is to provide coordinated advice to the University from the industrial sector, civil society, governmental organisations and professional bodies, in relation to particular learning programmes, projects and research areas. An advisory committee plays a key role in soliciting and providing input and recommendations to the University from external stakeholders to guide the strategic positioning of different aspects of the University business. A body of this kind gives advice and does not prescribe solutions to any aspect of the University business and its support services. The decision to accept and implement advice given by advisory committees shall be made by individual deans and the Executive Management Committee of the University.
An Advisory Committee is a committee comprising of knowledgeable, prominent, experienced and credible members in their field of expertise from within and outside the University.
One of the advisory committees’ functions is provide input and guidance concerning aspects related to the curriculum (including the admission and assessment requirements), external needs of programmes, professional profiles, relevance and research pointer.
The Computer Science Advisory Committee comprises:
- Professor Khoboso Lehloenya, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering / Representatives;
- Professor Matthew Adigun, Head of Computer Science Department;
- Professor Pragasen Mudali, Department of Computer Science representative;
- Professor Syamala Krishnannair, Department of Mathematical Sciences representative;
- Professor Sifiso Ntshangase, Department of Physics representative;
- Sphelele Khomo Department of Accounting and Auditing representative;
- Thembi Ndimande, Academic Planning and Quality Division representative.
External members include suitable representatives from industry, commercial sector and employers; representatives from local authorities and/or government and employer organisations, where applicable; a recent graduate or diplomat, where applicable; a representative/spokesperson from a particular interest group and from the local community with an awareness of the needs of the community regarding the programme offering; and academics, leaders and experts in the field who are not UNIZULU staff.
The appointed external members are:
- Dr Sihle Sibiya, Managing Director at Top-Up Solutions Trading and Projects (TUSTP)
- MB Sibiya, Deputy City Manager at City of Umhlathuze, and former head of ICT at Umhlathuze Municipality
- Shalen Naidoo, 2019 UNIZULU honours student and He Cloud Engineer (Lead) at Standard Bank South Africa
- Linley Nadasen, IT Director in the Department of Trade and Industry.
- Professor Jules-Raymond Tapamo, Academic leader for Computer Engineering at University of KwaZulu-Natal
- Dr Nalen Naicker, Head of the Department of Information Technology at the Durban University of Technology
By Nomvelo Xulu