UNIZULU students impress at DIRISA Datathon Challenge

A team of six University of Zululand (UNIZULU) students who participated in the recent Data-Intensive Research Initiative of South Africa (DIRISA) Student Datathon Challenge took second and third positions in the technical and research poster segments of the competition, bagging… Read More

Computer Science Department Launches Advisory Committee

The Department of Computer Science within the University of Zululand (UNIZULU) recently held the Inaugural Ceremony of the UNIZULU Computer Science Advisory Committee at KwaDlangezwaCampus. The purpose of advisory committees at UNIZULU is to provide coordinated advice to the University… Read More

DIRISA roadshow at UNIZULU

The UNIZULU Computer Science department hosted a roadshow, where the representatives from the Data Intensive Research Initiative of South Africa (DIRISA) presented the services that they offer event took place on 19th June 2023. DIRISA has a National Research Data… Read More

OPINION PIECE: Cyber Security

Cybersecurity is the method and set of tools used to defend electronic systems, communication systems, software platforms, and sensitive information against online threats. The word “cyber-attacks” is generic and refers to many different things, but some of the most well-known… Read More

UNIZULU Takes 3rd Place in CSIR Datathon Challenge

Students from the University of Zululand’s (UNIZULU) Computer Science Department are in celebratory mode after being placed third in the Data Intensive Research Initiative of South Africa (DIRISA) Student Datathon Challenge.

The DIRISA student datathon is a competition that aims to showcase how open research data can be used to develop creative and innovative solutions to some of South Africa’s problems.