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Dr Betty Kibirige

Position : Senior Lecturer
Telephone : 035 902 6262
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Office : A2-15, Richards Bay campus
Phone: +27 35 902 6262


She has lectured and supervised students, both at undergraduate and post graduate level, in the department of Physics and Engineering. Currently working as senior lecturer in the newly introduced Department of Engineering, coordinating academic activities in the department.


  Lecture ‘s  the following modules:

  • Electronics, Circuits and Devices; Electromagnetism, Solid State Physics; Computational Physics and Metals and Semiconductors.


PhD (Electrical Engineering) WITS, MSc (Electrical Engineering) Wits, BSc (Electrical Engineering) MUK

Research interests: 

Some of my research interests are mainly motivated by the needs of the communities that live in close proximity to University of Zululand. These include:

  1. Renewable energy with emphasis on photovoltaic cell (materials, devices and application).
  2. Appropriate application of Semiconductor Gas Sensors as UNIZULU is surrounded by many gas pollutant industries

As associate members of the SA-CERN collaboration under ATLAS Experiment, the interest lies in Instrumentation and Data Control system.

 Honours/Awards (include online reference for each honour/ award): Golden Key International Honours Society –Wits Chapter ( )

Professional membership:

  • International Solar Energy Society (ISES), South African Institute of Physics (SAIP)