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Department of Nursing Science Research


Dr Jane Kerr


Wanko Keutchafo, E. Kerr, J. 2019. Difficulties of unit managers in selected district hospitals in Cameroon. *In proofing: Curationis. 

Kerr, J. Mbele, Z.B. 2019. Evaluation of N95 respirator mask compliance in a selected hospital in KwaZulu-Natal. Occupational Health South Africa 25 (3):97-102

Kerr, J. Singh, S. 2018. Undergraduate Nursing students’ attitudes and practices towards oral health self-care: A report from a university in South Africa. African Journal for physical activity and health sciences.

Uwimana, M.C. Kerr, J.  Exploring the factors contributing to the stress of nurses at a select urban teaching hospital in Rwanda. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 19 (1): 41 – 55.


Kerr, J. Brysiewicz, P. & Bhengu, B. 2016. Developing Guidelines for managing a nursing workforce infected with HIV and TB in South African hospitals. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 18(2):87-102.


Chipps, J. Kerr, J. Brysiewicz, P. Walters, F. 2015. A Survey of University Students’ Perceptions of Learning Management Systems in a Low-Resource Setting Using a Technology Acceptance Model. Computers, Informantics, Nursing Vol.33, no. 2, 71-77.


Kerr, J. Brysiewicz, P. and Bhengu, B. R. 2014. Experiences of Nurse Managers in managing a work force who are HIV and/or TB infected. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery. 16(2):113.


Nishimwe, C. Kerr, J. 2012. The effectiveness of malaria health education provided to pregnant women by nurses at a selected Health Centre in Rwanda. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 14(2):63-76. 


McIntosh, J. Stellenberg, E.L. 2009. Effect of a Staffing Strategy based on voluntary increase in working hours on quality of patient care in a hospital in KwaZulu-Natal. Curationis 32 (2): 11-20.





M Nursing (course work) UKZN

Exploring the factors contributing to stress and coping strategies of nurses at University Teaching Hospital of Butare (UTHB) in Rwanda


M Nursing (course work) UKZN

A process evaluation of          the implementation of the HIV/AIDS counselling and testing (HCT) program for employees at a selected public

hospital in KwaZulu – Natal (KZN)


M Nursing (course work) UKZN

Exploring         nurse managers’ perceptions of labour unions at a selected hospital in KwaZulu-Natal


M Nursing (course work) UKZN

Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Pregnant Women in Respect of Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV/AIDS at a Selected

Antenatal Clinic in Durban, South Africa


M Nursing (course work) UKZN

Analysis of sickness presenteeism prevalence among nurses working in selected health facilities in Swaziland


M Nursing (Full) UKZN

An Investigation into First-Line           Nurse Managers’ Experiences in Two District Hospitals in Yaoundé, Cameroon: A       Descriptive Phenomenological Inquiry


M Nursing (course work) UKZN

Evaluation of N95 respirator mask compliance in a selected hospital in KwaZulu-Natal.


M Nursing (course work) UKZN

Exploring unit manager’s experiences with community service nurses in selected nursing units in KwaZulu-Natal.


M Nursing (course work) UKZN

Exploring why clinical supervision is not being done by clinic operational managers



M Nursing (Full) UKZN

 An analysis of nurses’ quality improvement at a selected tertiary healthcare facility in Rwanda


 M Nursing (Coursework) UKZN

An implementation evaluation study of nurse initiated and managed antiretroviral therapy (NIMART) program in primary health care clinics in the Ugu District of KwaZulu – Natal.




Dr ST Madlala

Research paper presentation in conferences


  1. Madlala, ST. Sibiya, N, Ngxongo TS. 2018. Free State Provincial department of Health Research Day Conference – Guidelines to facilitate acceptance of student Accoucheurs in clinical practice at the Free State maternal healthcare institutions
  2. Madlala, ST. Sibiya, N, Ngxongo TS. 2018. University of Zululand Humanities and Social Sciences Conference – Perceptions of young men at the Free State School of Nursing with regards to teenage pregnancy.

Published articles:

  1. Sibiya MN. Madlala ST. Challenges faced by student accoucheurs during clinical placement at the Free State maternal healthcare institutions. African Health Science 19(2): 2263-2269.
  1. Madlala ST. Sibiya MN. Nqxongo TSP. 2018. Perceptions of young men at the Free State School of Nursing with regards to teenage pregnancy. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine 10(1), a1358.
  1. Madlala, ST. 2016. Exploration of Traditional and Cultural Practices Contributing to Teenage Pregnancy from the Young Males Perspectives at the Free State School of Nursing 6(14),

MSC Nursing:

Successfully supervised Masters student graduated in 2019



Linda, NSB

Linda, N.S.B. Phetlhu, D. & Klopper, H.C. 2019. Nurse Educators Understanding of Spirituality and Spiritual Care: a South African Perspective (part 1). * submitted for review to IJANS

Linda, N.S., Klopper, H.C. & Phetlhu, D.R., 2015. Students’ voices on spiritual care at a Higher Education Institution in the Western Cape. Curationis 38(2), Art. #1520, 9 pages. curationis.v38i2.1520

Daniels, FM., Fakude, LP. Linda, NS, Martin, P. Richards, L., September, I., & Van Der Berg. 2015. The experiences of students, academics and managers regarding institutionally driven collaborative models between higher education institutions in health professions degree programmes: A qualitative systematic review protocol. [JBISRIR]

Daniels, F., Fakude L.P., Linda N.S., & Marie-Modeste, R.R. 2015. Educators’ Experiences of the Case Base Education Approach Used in a Bachelor of Nursing Programme in the Western Cape. CURATIONIS.

Adejumo, O., Fakude L. & Linda N. 2014. Revisiting innovative approaches to teaching and learning in nursing programmes: Educators’ experiences with the use of a case-based teaching approach at a nursing school. SAJHE 28(6) 2014. Pp. 1694 – 1707.

Linda, N., Phetlhu, DR. & Klopper, HC. 2014. Significance of Literature when Constructing a Theory: A Selective Literature Review. Africa Journal of Physical Health Education Recreation & Dance: Supplement (1: 2) October 2014; pp. 502-512.

Linda N., Daniels F, Fakude L, and Modeste R . 2014. Do the bachelor of nursing students at a school of nursing in the Western Cape value the case-based teaching and learning approach?. Special edition: AJPHERD 2014, October (Supplement 1:1), pp. 84-95.

  1. M. Daniels, N. S. Linda, P. Bimray, & P. Sharps. 2014. Effect of increased student enrolment for a Bachelor of Nursing programme on health care service delivery. SAJHE: 28(6) 2014.

Carr, T.J., van der Walt, C., Watson, F. & Linda, N., 2013. Establishing

and maintaining international collaborative research teams: an autobiographical insight. The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 9(1): 94 – 112.

Linda, N.S.B., Mtshali, N.G. & Engelbrecht, C., 2013. Lived experiences of a community regarding its involvement in a university community-based education programme, Curationis 36(1), Art. #78, 13 pages.


Daniels, F., Fakude, LP., Martin, P., Richards, L., September, I. Van Der Berg, L., & Linda, NS. Collaborated funded longitudinal study on tracing the UWC graduates 2013-2017 (In progress).


Linda, NS., Klopper, HS., & Phetlhu, DR., 2015. Nurse Educators’ understanding of spiritual care in Bachelor of Nursing Programme at the School of Nursing in the Western Cape, South Africa. ANEC Conference 02 -04 September 2015 at the Convention Centre in Durban.

Linda, NS., Phetlhu, DR., & Klopper, HC. 2014. Views on Current Status in Teaching Learning of Spiritual care in the School of Nursing Global Academic Network International Conferences: The University of Sydney Eastern Avenue Complex Camperdown, NSW: Australia 11 – 13 December 2014.

Linda, NS. Daniels, F., Fakude, L., & Modeste, RR. 2013. Views of the Student Nurses Regarding Implementation of Case Based Teaching and Learning Methodology at a Higher Education Institution: A Reflection on Student Perspectives: SAAHE 6th National Conference University of Kwa-Zulu Natal Gateway Umhlanga: 27 -29 June 2013.

Marie-Modeste RR. & Linda, N. 2012. Introducing Innovation in the Undergraduate Programme: Nurse Educators Experience. 1st International Scientific Conference of the School of Nursing University of the Western Cape; Southern Sun Hotel; Cape Town: 20 – 22 November 2012.

Linda, NS. Mtshali, NG. & Engelbretch, C. 2008. Phenomenological Investigation of the Experiences of a community in the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) Community Based Education Programme: 1st SAHEE Conference hosted by University of Stellenbosch Cape Town, Western Cape19 -21 June 2008.


Linda, NS. Phetlhu, DR. & Klopper, HC. 2013. Would Spiritual Care effectively support the Undergraduate Midwifery Student During Clinical Learning Support? STTI International Conference Tau Lambda Chapter at Large 20-22 Nov 2014. Southern Sun Hotel; Cape Town.

Linda, NS. & Modeste, RR. 2010. Introducing the Portfolio of Learning: A Tool to Train Reflective Nurse Practitioners: NEA\FUNDISA Convention; ICC Cape Town: September, 2010.



Mhlongo, N. Sibiya, MN. Miya, RM. 2016. Experiences of midwives regarding nursing practice breakdown in maternity units at a selected public hospital in KwaZulu-Natal. African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery. 2016 3(7).

Miya, M. & Mgutshini, T., 2016, ‘Female perspectives of male partners’ inclusion in the prevention of mother to child HIV transmission programme in KwaZulu-Natal’, Curationis 39(1), a1691.

Miya, R.M. 2016. A broad literature overview of HIV prevention of mother to child transmission: male inclusion. Indian Journal of Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 3(2): ISSN: 2349-5340 Online

Miya, R.M., 2014, ‘Directly-Observed Treatment Strategy implementation practices

in a hospital in eThekwini health district’, Health SA Gesondheid 19(1), Art. #747, 7 pages.