Department of Nursing Science Research
Dr Jane Kerr
Wanko Keutchafo, E. Kerr, J. 2019. Difficulties of unit managers in selected district hospitals in Cameroon. *In proofing: Curationis.
Kerr, J. Mbele, Z.B. 2019. Evaluation of N95 respirator mask compliance in a selected hospital in KwaZulu-Natal. Occupational Health South Africa 25 (3):97-102
Kerr, J. Singh, S. 2018. Undergraduate Nursing students’ attitudes and practices towards oral health self-care: A report from a university in South Africa. African Journal for physical activity and health sciences.
Uwimana, M.C. Kerr, J. Exploring the factors contributing to the stress of nurses at a select urban teaching hospital in Rwanda. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 19 (1): 41 – 55.
Kerr, J. Brysiewicz, P. & Bhengu, B. 2016. Developing Guidelines for managing a nursing workforce infected with HIV and TB in South African hospitals. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 18(2):87-102.
Chipps, J. Kerr, J. Brysiewicz, P. Walters, F. 2015. A Survey of University Students’ Perceptions of Learning Management Systems in a Low-Resource Setting Using a Technology Acceptance Model. Computers, Informantics, Nursing Vol.33, no. 2, 71-77.
Kerr, J. Brysiewicz, P. and Bhengu, B. R. 2014. Experiences of Nurse Managers in managing a work force who are HIV and/or TB infected. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery. 16(2):113.
Nishimwe, C. Kerr, J. 2012. The effectiveness of malaria health education provided to pregnant women by nurses at a selected Health Centre in Rwanda. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 14(2):63-76.
McIntosh, J. Stellenberg, E.L. 2009. Effect of a Staffing Strategy based on voluntary increase in working hours on quality of patient care in a hospital in KwaZulu-Natal. Curationis 32 (2): 11-20.
M Nursing (course work) UKZN | Exploring the factors contributing to stress and coping strategies of nurses at University Teaching Hospital of Butare (UTHB) in Rwanda | 2011 |
M Nursing (course work) UKZN | A process evaluation of the implementation of the HIV/AIDS counselling and testing (HCT) program for employees at a selected public hospital in KwaZulu – Natal (KZN) | 2012 |
M Nursing (course work) UKZN | Exploring nurse managers’ perceptions of labour unions at a selected hospital in KwaZulu-Natal | 2016 |
M Nursing (course work) UKZN | Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Pregnant Women in Respect of Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV/AIDS at a Selected Antenatal Clinic in Durban, South Africa | 2016 |
M Nursing (course work) UKZN | Analysis of sickness presenteeism prevalence among nurses working in selected health facilities in Swaziland | 2016 |
M Nursing (Full) UKZN | An Investigation into First-Line Nurse Managers’ Experiences in Two District Hospitals in Yaoundé, Cameroon: A Descriptive Phenomenological Inquiry | 2016 |
M Nursing (course work) UKZN | Evaluation of N95 respirator mask compliance in a selected hospital in KwaZulu-Natal. | 2017 |
M Nursing (course work) UKZN | Exploring unit manager’s experiences with community service nurses in selected nursing units in KwaZulu-Natal. | 2017 |
M Nursing (course work) UKZN | Exploring why clinical supervision is not being done by clinic operational managers
| 2017 |
M Nursing (Full) UKZN | An analysis of nurses’ quality improvement at a selected tertiary healthcare facility in Rwanda | 2017 |
M Nursing (Coursework) UKZN | An implementation evaluation study of nurse initiated and managed antiretroviral therapy (NIMART) program in primary health care clinics in the Ugu District of KwaZulu – Natal. | 2017 |
Dr ST Madlala
Research paper presentation in conferences
- Madlala, ST. Sibiya, N, Ngxongo TS. 2018. Free State Provincial department of Health Research Day Conference – Guidelines to facilitate acceptance of student Accoucheurs in clinical practice at the Free State maternal healthcare institutions
- Madlala, ST. Sibiya, N, Ngxongo TS. 2018. University of Zululand Humanities and Social Sciences Conference – Perceptions of young men at the Free State School of Nursing with regards to teenage pregnancy.
Published articles:
- Sibiya MN. Madlala ST. Challenges faced by student accoucheurs during clinical placement at the Free State maternal healthcare institutions. African Health Science 19(2): 2263-2269.
- Madlala ST. Sibiya MN. Nqxongo TSP. 2018. Perceptions of young men at the Free State School of Nursing with regards to teenage pregnancy. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine 10(1), a1358.
- Madlala, ST. 2016. Exploration of Traditional and Cultural Practices Contributing to Teenage Pregnancy from the Young Males Perspectives at the Free State School of Nursing 6(14),
MSC Nursing:
Successfully supervised Masters student graduated in 2019
Linda, NSB
Linda, N.S.B. Phetlhu, D. & Klopper, H.C. 2019. Nurse Educators Understanding of Spirituality and Spiritual Care: a South African Perspective (part 1). * submitted for review to IJANS
Linda, N.S., Klopper, H.C. & Phetlhu, D.R., 2015. Students’ voices on spiritual care at a Higher Education Institution in the Western Cape. Curationis 38(2), Art. #1520, 9 pages. curationis.v38i2.1520
Daniels, FM., Fakude, LP. Linda, NS, Martin, P. Richards, L., September, I., & Van Der Berg. 2015. The experiences of students, academics and managers regarding institutionally driven collaborative models between higher education institutions in health professions degree programmes: A qualitative systematic review protocol. [JBISRIR]
Daniels, F., Fakude L.P., Linda N.S., & Marie-Modeste, R.R. 2015. Educators’ Experiences of the Case Base Education Approach Used in a Bachelor of Nursing Programme in the Western Cape. CURATIONIS.
Adejumo, O., Fakude L. & Linda N. 2014. Revisiting innovative approaches to teaching and learning in nursing programmes: Educators’ experiences with the use of a case-based teaching approach at a nursing school. SAJHE 28(6) 2014. Pp. 1694 – 1707.
Linda, N., Phetlhu, DR. & Klopper, HC. 2014. Significance of Literature when Constructing a Theory: A Selective Literature Review. Africa Journal of Physical Health Education Recreation & Dance: Supplement (1: 2) October 2014; pp. 502-512.
Linda N., Daniels F, Fakude L, and Modeste R . 2014. Do the bachelor of nursing students at a school of nursing in the Western Cape value the case-based teaching and learning approach?. Special edition: AJPHERD 2014, October (Supplement 1:1), pp. 84-95.
- M. Daniels, N. S. Linda, P. Bimray, & P. Sharps. 2014. Effect of increased student enrolment for a Bachelor of Nursing programme on health care service delivery. SAJHE: 28(6) 2014.
Carr, T.J., van der Walt, C., Watson, F. & Linda, N., 2013. Establishing
and maintaining international collaborative research teams: an autobiographical insight. The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 9(1): 94 – 112.
Linda, N.S.B., Mtshali, N.G. & Engelbrecht, C., 2013. Lived experiences of a community regarding its involvement in a university community-based education programme, Curationis 36(1), Art. #78, 13 pages.
Daniels, F., Fakude, LP., Martin, P., Richards, L., September, I. Van Der Berg, L., & Linda, NS. Collaborated funded longitudinal study on tracing the UWC graduates 2013-2017 (In progress).
Linda, NS., Klopper, HS., & Phetlhu, DR., 2015. Nurse Educators’ understanding of spiritual care in Bachelor of Nursing Programme at the School of Nursing in the Western Cape, South Africa. ANEC Conference 02 -04 September 2015 at the Convention Centre in Durban.
Linda, NS., Phetlhu, DR., & Klopper, HC. 2014. Views on Current Status in Teaching Learning of Spiritual care in the School of Nursing Global Academic Network International Conferences: The University of Sydney Eastern Avenue Complex Camperdown, NSW: Australia 11 – 13 December 2014.
Linda, NS. Daniels, F., Fakude, L., & Modeste, RR. 2013. Views of the Student Nurses Regarding Implementation of Case Based Teaching and Learning Methodology at a Higher Education Institution: A Reflection on Student Perspectives: SAAHE 6th National Conference University of Kwa-Zulu Natal Gateway Umhlanga: 27 -29 June 2013.
Marie-Modeste RR. & Linda, N. 2012. Introducing Innovation in the Undergraduate Programme: Nurse Educators Experience. 1st International Scientific Conference of the School of Nursing University of the Western Cape; Southern Sun Hotel; Cape Town: 20 – 22 November 2012.
Linda, NS. Mtshali, NG. & Engelbretch, C. 2008. Phenomenological Investigation of the Experiences of a community in the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) Community Based Education Programme: 1st SAHEE Conference hosted by University of Stellenbosch Cape Town, Western Cape19 -21 June 2008.
Linda, NS. Phetlhu, DR. & Klopper, HC. 2013. Would Spiritual Care effectively support the Undergraduate Midwifery Student During Clinical Learning Support? STTI International Conference Tau Lambda Chapter at Large 20-22 Nov 2014. Southern Sun Hotel; Cape Town.
Linda, NS. & Modeste, RR. 2010. Introducing the Portfolio of Learning: A Tool to Train Reflective Nurse Practitioners: NEA\FUNDISA Convention; ICC Cape Town: September, 2010.
Mhlongo, N. Sibiya, MN. Miya, RM. 2016. Experiences of midwives regarding nursing practice breakdown in maternity units at a selected public hospital in KwaZulu-Natal. African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery. 2016 3(7).
Miya, M. & Mgutshini, T., 2016, ‘Female perspectives of male partners’ inclusion in the prevention of mother to child HIV transmission programme in KwaZulu-Natal’, Curationis 39(1), a1691.
Miya, R.M. 2016. A broad literature overview of HIV prevention of mother to child transmission: male inclusion. Indian Journal of Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 3(2): ISSN: 2349-5340 Online
Miya, R.M., 2014, ‘Directly-Observed Treatment Strategy implementation practices
in a hospital in eThekwini health district’, Health SA Gesondheid 19(1), Art. #747, 7 pages.