The meeting took place at the University of Zululand on Friday 04 November 2022 as the University of Zululand is geared to host the South African Institute of Physics conference in 2022. This is part of positioning the University as the Node for African Thought and a revitalized engagement space of knowledge exchange and dissemination.
The SAIP was established in July 1955 and has grown to a membership of over 600 in 2015, of which about 10% are in other African countries or further abroad. It has also diversified to the extent that there are today a number of Divisions within the SAIP, concentrating on more specific fields, whilst participating in the general activities of the Institute. The Objectives of the SAIP are very relevant and distinct:
- To promote study and research in physics and related subjects and to encourage applications thereof.
- To further the exchange of knowledge among physicists by means of publications and conferences.
- To uphold the status of and ensure a high standard of professional conduct among physicists.
- To do all such other lawful things as may be necessary to attain the above objects including the cooperation with other institutes or societies, to the benefit of both.
In his remarks the President of SAIP alluded that they chose UNIZULU because of its uniqueness and because of its excellent track record, therefore the institution should tell its story in a way that showcases it positively in the global arena. “The upcoming conference over and above engaging the physics and the science community will provide a robust collaborative framework and educational opportunities for the surrounding communities through winter schools through science education and other linkages opportunities” commented Brian.
Prof. Kunene: DVC- Research and Innovation extended sincere appreciation to the SAIP delegation for trusting the University of Zululand and gave the assurity that the conference will be a showcase stopper as there multiple pockets of sustained excellence within the University.
The conference will be hosted in a hybrid manner to ensure that we attract a wider range of participants and audiences. The province of Kwazulu Natal especially the North side is a home of the Big Five. Therefore from a tourism perspective, this conference has immense economic opportunities and spinoffs as it will be boosting our local economy and forming partnership opportunities with the local business sector.